
Products // Mixes Special Line // PHARMA MIX 1



    • Test. Phenyl.; Test. Cyp.; Bold. Undecyl.
    • 450 mg/ml
    • 1

PHARMA MIX 1 is an excellent and convenient stack of three drugs suitable for bulking: testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone cypionate, and boldenone undecylenate. Athletes highly value testosterone for its ability to promote strong increases in muscle mass and strength. Boldenone is favored by bodybuilders for its ability to promote lean, dense, high-quality muscle growth without water retention, as well as for its remarkable effect of significantly increasing vascularity and appetite. With a decent balance of potency and side effects, PHARMA MIX 1 is suitable for beginners and professionals alike. 

WARNING: If using a high-concentration product for the first time, it is strongly recommended that only ½ mL be injected to check the body’s reaction and avoid possible side effects, which can include post-injection pain (PIP), high body temperature, lumps, etc.

  • Testosterone PHENYLPROPIONATE;50 mg/ml
  • Testosterone CYPIONATE;200 mg/ml
  • Boldenone UNDECYLENATE;200 mg/ml
Active half-life Classification Dosage Acne
mix of esters (from 2.5 to 14 days) Anabolic steroid Men 450 - 1350 mg / week Rarely
WATER RETENTION HBR Hepatoxity Aromatization
Low Perhaps No Low


Pharmacom Labs has developed several mixes based on our long-term experience and as a result of studying the customers’ demands for last almost 10 years. Each mix in our special line has been developed taking into account definite goals (cutting, bulk, pre-workout, etc.) and considering biological compatibility of certain compounds and their anabolic / androgenic abilities.

All mixes developed by Pharmacom Labs are based on testosterone in its different forms (esters). As you probably know, absolutely all exogenous hormones / steroids both oral and injectable ones inhibit the HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis), which results in suppressing production of endogenous testosterone; being the primary man sexual hormone, it shall always present in a man body. Without sufficient levels, many side effects are possible as testosterone influences dozens if not hundreds of functions in the human body.

Each MIX by Pharmacom Labs is made as a stand-alone stack to achieve the best results. All of our mixes have an optimal ratio of active agents; in most cases there is no need to add any additional compound. Moreover, each mix is cheaper than buying the individual drugs within it separately in the same dose.

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