
Products // Injectables // PHARMA TREN A 100 Ampules

  • PHARMA TREN A 100 Ampules

    PHARMA TREN A 100 Ampules

    • Trenbolone Acetate
    • 100 mg/ml
    • 10

PHARMA TREN A 100 (Trenbolone Acetate) is an incredibly fast-acting form of trenbolone, one of the most powerful injectable anabolic steroids ever commercially manufactured. Athletes highly value trenbolone for its ability to increase raw strength, muscle hardness, and definition without unwanted water retention or added fat mass. Trenbolone is considered a drug of choice for competitive bodybuilders, yet it also remains very popular among recreational users simply looking to improve their physiques. Trenbolone acetate is also utilized in our most popular blend for fat-burning and bulking cycles, PHARMA MIX 2. 

With a half-life of around 1.5–3 days, it is an excellent choice for short-duration cycles or cutting cycles.  

  • Chemical name (17β)-3-Oxoestra-4,9,11-trien-17-yl acetate
  • Formula C20H24O3
  • Anabolic activity index 500%
  • Androgenic activity index 500%
Active half-life Classification Dosage Acne
1.5-3 days Anabolic steroid Men 200 - 700 mg / week Rarely
WATER RETENTION HBR Hepatoxity Aromatization
No Yes Yes No


Our premium line of injectable products in ampules.

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